Interestingly enough, the Bible makes no effort to prove God’s existence.
There is no sense of self-justification anywhere within its pages. The Bible does acknowledge that humanity has always accepted God or gods. The acceptance of worshiping something beyond oneself can be found throughout history apart from the Bible. So the Bible does not need to prove the existence of God.
The Bible does focus on who God is and what He is like. It shows how He relates to the world and the people in it. It reveals His character and nature. It unpacks the purposes He has for us and the plans He is committed to.
There are undoubtedly other indicators of God’s existence that deserve consideration beyond the pages of the Bible:
Not everyone will agree on the same factors, but they all share in some of them.
- There is a seemingly intelligent organization of a vast universe that exceeds the farthest reach of a telescope as well as the intricate architecture of life at the microscopic level.
- Every culture has some moral/ethical code, a standard of right and wrong. These shared values point to the existence of moral intelligence behind it all.
- The variety of life—both intricate and complex—points to a supreme designer.
- The human capacities for imagination, creativity, intelligence, and relationship indicate a higher designer behind them all.
- The lingering human notion that infers “there must be more than this” is, in a sense, a hint of the human longing to connect with the maker.
None of these or anything else can prove that God exists. They can only point to the possibility of His existence. But when considered as a whole, including the historical Biblical documents, one must—at the very least—consider the possibility that God does exist.
And that's a great place to start.