Our passion is to reveal Jesus to Cast Members who have not yet encountered Him. We thrive on building authentic friendships with CMs from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. We refer to this as "the sacred work of relationship" (TSWOR). This happens when we sincerely (without an agenda) express VALUE, form TRUST, and plant JESUS through authentic connections within the Cast Member community.
Click a sticky note to explore the steps in our process.
WHY THIS WORKS: Our mission field is a high-energy/high-stress, performance-driven culture that can leave individuals feeling unnoticed, insecure, and disconnected. We speak to the deep needs for significance, belonging, and purpose. By embodying Christ's love in simple, creative, and authentic ways, we invite Cast Members to explore the transformational truth of the Gospel organically, at their own pace.
Our approach honors their unique context and demonstrates how Jesus meets the deepest longings of their hearts right where they are.