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Do We Take God's Goodness In Vain?

It's easy to say, "God is good."

I hear it all the time. I read it on social media feeds...daily.

"It's 80 degrees and sunny today; God is good."

"Starbucks is giving away a free cup of coffee; God is good."

"I went to the dentist, and I had no cavities; God is good."

"I got the promotion; God is good."

But God isn't good because good things happen.

I've spent the last few days in the hospital with a Disney Cast Member who was in a terrible car accident, leaving her in a coma. Sitting with her family has been a sobering reminder that regardless of our circumstances, we must trust that God is good, not just when things go well, but also when they go terribly wrong.

"The biopsy came back, and it's malignant, BUT...God is good."

"I lost my job today, BUT...God is good."

"I don't have enough to cover my bills this week, BUT...God is good."

WOW... that can be a hard thing to say.

Let's avoid the temptation to abuse or take the goodness of God in vain.

"It's a beautiful day; God is good." Absolutely.

"I saved 15% on my car insurance; God is good." Of course, He is.

Good things happen because God is good, but it goes infinitely deeper than that.

GOD IS GOOD. Period.

Anything good in our lives is because of God, because there is no good apart from God. But even in times when our situation is less than favorable, that doesn't mean that God has changed. It's the assurance of the fact that He doesn't change that keeps us sane and steady.

Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. - Nehemiah 8:10

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. - Isaiah 41:10

The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. - Psalm 9:9,10

Declare His goodness in the happy times AND the sad.

Make His faithfulness known in the light AND the dark.

Praise Him out loud in the calm AND the storm.

If we are going to say He is good in the best of times, we must be prepared to say He is good in the worst of times. I have no doubt there will inevitably come a moment when each of us will be tested.

The question is, will we genuinely believe it and be able to say "God is good" no matter what?


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