According to a recent survey in England, when someone is willing to talk about Jesus with others, 1 in 5 people will respond positively and want to experience him further. This means a couple of things: 1. We need to be inviting and inserting Jesus into our normal conversations. People around us aren't going to be drawn to him if they don't know about him. 2. Our skeptical side immediately notices the survey reveals that 4 in 5 people don't respond to Jesus. This can be a bit discouraging, and even inhibit us from being open about our faith. After all, who wants to be shut down four out of five times? This survey demonstrates that people DO want to know more about Jesus. They WILL respond. We must be willing to never cease inviting Jesus into our everyday conversations, regardless if some never take the conversation further. The 1 in 5 is worth it. Do you know why? You and I responded to Jesus because someone(s) was willing to face the rejection of eight others. I believe wholeheartedly that makes it worth the effort. Don't you?
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