The most important thing we do in Cast Member Church is pray for our fellow Cast Members.
Prayer is foundational to all we do. When we pray, we are connecting with the heart of God. When we pray for those around us, He gives us insight into their hearts.
He helps us see what only He sees, hear what only He hears, and feel what only He feels. Our prayers invite God to unlock doors and create opportunities no strategy could ever accomplish.
This is why we encourage our CMC family to prayerwalk the parks and other parts of the Disney properties regularly. We call this endeavor "Kingdom Mischief" because we know our prayers invite God to do things that only He can do. And when He does them, it usually stirs things up in ways that always surprise and amaze us.
Kingdom Mischief is a powerful way to move undetected amidst the Cast Member culture. We never draw attention to ourselves. It's as if we are passing shadows. Yet as we walk among the Cast Members, we are asking God to engage with their lives in a personal way that will stir their awareness of His presence. And maybe that awareness will provoke something powerful within them.
Even if prayer has been difficult for you in the past, we will show you how that can change. Most of our CMC family will tell you that being part of Kingdom Mischief has helped them discover what God is up to around them and how it has enhanced how they pray at other times and places.
Our vision involves Kingdom Mischief taking place in all Disney parks around the world, 365 days a year. So, there's plenty of room and opportunity for you to get involved.