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We Move Like Shadows

When PrayerWalking at Disney, we like to say that we "move like shadows." We are invisible to guests and Cast Members, but clearly seen and heard by God. As we walk, we listen to his Spirit as he reveals to us only what is known to him. We pray for the obvious needs of Cast Members but we also intercede for the brokenness that remains deeply hidden. It’s amazing how God opens our eyes to the hopes, hurts, and heartaches others could never see.

When our walk is complete, we carry from the parks our continued petitions to God on behalf of those we observed and will pray for them by name (thank goodness for the name tags) for days, weeks, even months to come. These ongoing prayers are where the battles are won and God’s glory is revealed.

It is his presence and power that does it all. We are simply intercessors, invited by Jesus to speak to him with confidence on behalf of a group of people he loves without measure and has designed each one to be a beautiful reflection of his love, truth, mercy, and grace.


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