You are unique—with your own set of fingerprints, DNA, and other wonderful attributes. However, many Cast Members are unaware of what makes them special. You may have wondered the same about yourself. Everyone possesses talents, passions, and strengths, but none quite like yours.
To help you uncover what makes you unique, we've created SHINE - a new short-term CommuniD at Walt Disney World. It meets once a week for four weeks. We provide two different times so that you are sure to get connected to one or the other.
You can discover your unique strengths through an assessment, process, and celebrate the results with others in your CommuniD. We will show you how to start operating from your strengths, identify a career path that feeds your passion, and integrate it all into your resume.
If you're interested, let us know. Join SHINE and see how your life can change in just four weeks.